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Touge Weekly #8 Winter Motivation… It’s almost over 💪🏼

  Welcome back to Touge Weekly! In today’s article, we’re going to talk about the winter season and how you can stay motivated during the off season. If you missed the last article where we showcased Zac Standridge and his Foxbody Mustang, be sure to check it out before you leave! We’ve got a lot to cover, so let’s get started! 

  To many car enthusiasts, the winter season is a dead space in their calendar : the weather gets cold and gross, the car shows and car meets drop off, the track days and autocross events stop for a while, and everything seems to slow down or stop entirely. However, this doesn’t have to be the case! Although the events aren’t happening as often, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a few friends together and go for a drive together or group up and work on winter projects! There are tons of ways to stay productive and motivated during the off-season! 


 If you’re one of our readers who loves to hit the track, the winter season is the perfect time to do your preparations and setup for the next season! Whether you’ve got some suspension parts that need attention or it’s simply time for basic maintenance, it never hurts to get ahead of the curve and knock out the small and simple tasks that keep you safe and keep your car in tip-top shape! The track can be stressful on your car and keeping your car in good condition should always be a priority even if you’re not hitting the track on the weekends, so it’s good practice to check everything out and take care of the small issues before they turn into big ones! 

  We all love going out for drives to unwind and to enjoy some time with friends. In our home region of the Southeast, our favorite driving roads tend to stay in good shape even through the cold months. Because of this, you can still hit the road and have tons of fun no matter the time of year! Although the temps are cooler and the weather can sometimes be more inclement than we prefer, the winter is a good time to relax and spend time exploring roads you’ve never driven before or simply get more familiar with the roads you drive more often! It’s a relaxing season and because of that the traffic tends to be less intense and you can really get a chance to take in the environment around you, giving you an appreciation for your favorite roads or locations that you didn’t have before! With all the holidays and things going on during the winter, a drive can be the perfect thing to keep you motivated and take your mind off of the stressful times that come around. 

  Maybe the colder temperature and the winter weather isn’t your thing and you’d prefer to stay home: there’s still things you can do to have fun! Fire up your game console or simulator rig, grab some friends, and play some racing games! With a plethora of options to choose from, there’s always something different to try and something new to experience! Whether you grab a few friends to go drift with or put together a little time attack group, there’s always something to keep you busy and keep you connected with your friends! As an added bonus, it’s a bit easier to save up that extra money you were needing to buy that next modification with!

  Whether you’re together with some friends battling it out on a virtual track or cruising around by yourself taking in the views, there’s always something to do during the winter! Take the time to slow down, relax, and take a break while the things you love to do in the summer are in hibernation. Although the winter / off-season seems boring and lonely, there’s plenty of things to do to keep you occupied and productive for the season to come! Just keep in mind, the time flies by and you’ll be really happy you did what you did when the next season rolls around and you’re ready to go!

Article Written By: Ben Duncan

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